Monday 18 April 2016

Tipikal Pertanyaan Dalam Interview

Pertanyaan interview biasanya standar dan itu-itu saja, Kalau bahasa Inggris kita pas-pasan, kita bisa prediksi pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang akan keluar, sehingga kita bisa antisipasi jawabannya dan kita latih berulang-ulang, sampai seakan bahasa Inggris kita lancar.
itu alasan kenapa perlu :"Job Interview Course"
Ini tipikal pertanyaan dalam interview:

- Tell me about your major?
- Why do you want this job?
- Tell me about yourself and your family?
- Why should I choose you rather than any other candidates?
- Tell me about your final project / thesis
- Have you ever had any problems with your friends or lecturers?
- Mention your achievement when you were in college
- Why did you come here to see me?
- How much salary do you want?
- What is the first criteria are you looking for on the company you look for a job
- Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
- What do you want in life?
- Why do you want this position?
- How good is your English? oral & written
- What is your plan after your graduation?
- In the scale 1-10 how do you rate yourself?
- Do you think you are special?
- Do you think your educational background relevant with this position?
- How long did it take to complete your study in college?
- What kind of subject do you like most?
- What do you do during your leisure time?
- What is your hobby?
- Mention your strength points and weaknesses
- Why did you leave your past jobs?

Ya seperti itulah kurang lebih, masih ada variasi2 yang lain.

Sumber : Seminar Djoko Ari Wibowo - Conocho Philips Supervisor

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